All About Me

In July/August of 2008, myself and my partner Sarah (who I will only ever refer to as Paspartout, in Homage to Phileas Fogg’s trusty Aide de Camp) set out to travel through France for six weeks.

We'd both given up work some months before and, after a couple of smaller holidays and yet another “what shall we do with our lives” conversation (we thoroughly recommend Westonbirt Arboretum for this – all those trees, the fresh air, the hiding in the bushes...), we saw this as the perfect opportunity to have that "gap year" (almost) that had eluded us all those years ago.

We bought a 2003 Landrover Discovery, we came to lovingly refer to as the “money-pit”, and went on our merry way. Oh, and then we came home to a recession, and now have shit jobs. “On y va, Paspartout! On y va!” ...