Friday, February 19, 2010

Orange - epic FAIL

So, I've just bought an iPhone - yes, I succumbed (ignoring Flava Flave) and believed the hype. Sorry ... I love it. Despite the following tale of woe...

I decided to transfer to Orange from my current provider, and what a bunch of wasters they turned out to be! Firstly, when the phone arrived, it lasted approximately 5 hours before the screen went mental on me. I spent the rest of the evening trying to get the solution via the internet (resets no good - it has to be replaced). I resolved to go into the Orange shop and get a replacement the following morning, but when I asked for a replacement, they said I had to do it over the internet (or phone), as I hadn't signed up and received the phone from a shop (something to do with different business stock, or some such bollocks), but over the internet. I'm still seething when I think about the entire debacle, so I'll cut the story short(er). Including three 'members' of shop staff, I spoke to nine people in order to try and circumvent the "we'll send you an envelope, you send us your phone, and when we get it back we'll send you a new one" train wreck that their so-called customer service had become. I told each person I spoke to of my dissatisfaction, my ability to cancel and walk away, and my general rising bile, in the hope that someone would just 'own' the situation and make the magic happen for me. Instead, I got passed from pillar to post, and forced to listen to Florence and and the Machine (it turns out that I too sometimes feel like throwing my hands up in the air).

At this point, I excercised my right to terminate (bear in mind that I was a BRAND NEW customer - time was that losing a new customer, aka lost sale, was a big deal), which involved calling a new number and introducing myself to telephone person number 7 (total of 10). This last chap was actually contrite and apologised for me having to deal with morons and spending 40 minutes in their shop listening to hold music and inanities. OK, so I dressed up his apology a tad, but at least it WAS one - the only one I got. After my short-lived life as an Orange subscriber, I walked back over the road to my previous (and still current, as it turns out) provider, who quite frankly I should never have left, and got an iPhone, had it set up, and left the shop in 10 minutes.

The irony is that I still have the original iPhone, as the Orange shop couldn't take it back - I have to wait for the return envelope to arrive in the post so that I can post it back to them.

Orange - epic FAIL...!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Feelings - Spike Milligan

There must be a wound!
No one can be this hurt
and not bleed.

How could she injure me so?
No marks
No bruise

People say 'My, you're looking well'
.....God help me!
She's mummified me -